//Go to: https://gitlab.com/profile/personal_access_tokens
const API_KEY = "-";
//You can find project id inside the "General project settings" tab
const PROJECT_ID = 268;
const PROJECT_URL = "https://gitlab.vanenburg.com/api/v4/projects/" + PROJECT_ID + "/"
let jobs = [];
for(let i = 0, currentJobs = []; i == 0 || currentJobs.length > 0; i++){
currentJobs = await sendApiRequest(
PROJECT_URL + "jobs/?per_page=100&page=" + (i + 1)
).then(e => e.json());
jobs = jobs.concat(currentJobs);
//skip jobs without artifacts
jobs = jobs.filter(e => e.artifacts);
//keep the latest build.
for(let job of jobs)
await sendApiRequest(
PROJECT_URL + "jobs/" + job.id + "/artifacts",
{method: "DELETE"}
async function sendApiRequest(url, options = {}){
options.headers = {};
options.headers["PRIVATE-TOKEN"] = API_KEY;
return fetch(url, options);